Huzzah, the day is here and I can finally show off this beautiful cover from Isabeau Backhaus for The Rarkyn's Fall, book two in the Rarkyn Trilogy! I've been sitting on this for a few weeks now and, wow, let me tell you how hard it was to quell the urge to share it with everyone immediately.
Okay, okay, okay, you're here for artwork not waffle so...*drumroll* here it is! 👇

And wait, it gets better. There's a stunning back page, because this, ladies, gents and enbies, is a wrapped artwork.

Look at all those goregous monsters in the background. I wonder why they're featuring... 🤔🙊
And, so you don't have to squint, here's that blurb for you:
They survived mancers. They survived monsters. They survived the Storm.
With the mountains behind them and Illredus on the horizon, they thought the hardest part of the journey over.
They were wrong.
Outlawed and on the run, Lyss struggles to control her new and volatile magic. A magic that will destroy her.
Her only hope: Find the last remaining witch to tame it.
Her only clue: Buried in Illredus. City of mancers. Capital of the Empire.
Together, she and Skaar descend into Illredus’ underbelly and discover a warren of illegal magics and the monstrous legacy Lyss’ father left behind.
As truth, loyalties, and magic clash, Lyss must decide how far she’ll go to exact justice in her father’s name…
And how far she’ll fall to rule the power inside her once and for all.
Like to like, blood to blood.
Lyss and Skaar's journey continues on 16 October 2024!